Gutters link to underground water cistern

Green Building
At KCS Estates we are most concerned with the scarcity of our earth's resources, such as energy, water and natural raw materials. This has been true of us long before the color green became the new black. As a group that appreciates beautiful outdoor landscapes, we have made it a special priority to develop landscapes that are self-sustaining or very low water usage.
Our homes our green certified and usually score well above 100 points. For those that are unfamiliar with the Build It Green rating scale, an equivalent benchmark would be a fine bottle of wine scoring above 100 (if it could).
Here are just a few of the ways we build Green at KCS Estates:
- Utilization of finishing materials that are not only beautiful, but also efficient energy conductors to keep homes both cool and warm
- Use of tankless or insta-hot water heaters and recirculation pumps to significantly reduce the energy required to heat such water and the amount of water a home uses by over one third.
- Water cisterns for landscape watering - whenever possible we install underground cisterns that collect winter rain water to be used for landscape irrigation and watering in the dry months. Not only is this approach friendly to our environment, it also reduces costly summer water bills
- Exterior finishes that are durable and require low maintenance
- Emphasis on interior finishes that draw from combining natural and man-made or recycled materials
- Zero emission paint
- Pervious surfaces - such as versa grid driveways that allow rain water to penetrate the land rather than run off into gutters and public drains
KCS Estates is always exploring new ways to reduce the impact our homes make on the environment. We believe that timeless design and durable construction go a long way toward achieving this goal. If you would like to explore installing a water cistern to irrigate your landscape, contact us.